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Views aren't updating/accurate

Views are aggregated hourly, so you may see points where the view count does not match the actual amount.

Sorting products display order in your Shop

By default, products displayed in your shop are ordered by creation date. This may not be optimal for some shops, so we have provided the option to sort pro...

Blacklisting customers

To blacklist users, navigate to Blacklist -> Add Blacklist. Select the type of data to input for blacklisting (e.g. by the users email address). In ...

Create a coupon for a product

Navigate to Coupons -> Add Coupon. Enter a Code to distribute to users in the Code section (e.g. 10OFFCODE). The code must be between 2-24 figures long a...

Generating Reports

To generate a report of your sales, navigate to Analytics -> Reports and click New Report. Select the Type of report you would like to generate (Product ...

Inviting Shop Members

Please note, this is currently only a closed beta feature. Click on your username in the top right corner and select Settings. Under Shop, click Members. ...

Shop/Acccount was terminated

Selly takes terms of service violations very seriously and as outlined in our terms of service, we will terminate both a Shop and User without notice or prov...

Connect CoinPayments.net to your Selly Shop

We recommend creating a new CoinPayments.net account purely for Selly. Navigate to Account Settings on CoinPayments.net and enter the merchant ID into the ...

Connect Coinbase Commerce to your Selly Shop

We recommend creating a new Coinbase Commerce account purely for Selly. Navigate to Settings on Coinbase Commerce and scroll to the API keys section and cl...
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